Kamis, 03 Januari 2008


YOU NEED: paper, black and blue candles {the more the better}
a pen a stopwatch dragons blood
BEST TIMES: full moon after dark or when ever the said person is asleep.
BEST PLACE:outdoors

Start by lighting the candles this works the best if you are alone, this
takes all of your focus and if you lose it wont work. So have the idems
needed spread out on one side of you.
Write what you want to happen on the paper and think of the sounds that
will be heard and what it will look like.
When you are done think of the person you are casting this on or have
his/her picture there. Add the dragons blood to the spring water and
shake it up.
Next hold the stopwatch in one hand and the paper in the other.
This is the hard part, start the watch when you begin to read and as
you read picture it in you mind "take your time".
When you are done stop the watch and remember when it stopped.
Set fire to the paper and watch is burn. When it is done dump the
spring water onto the hot ashes.
When you know the person it asleep start the watch and picture the
dream again.
Stop it when it stopped when you read it off the page.

TIPS: you dont need all the water you can have the bottle half full, half
empty "whatever". Use drinking glasses or a bowl to sheild the candles
from the wind. I use a pumpkin head shaped trick or treating pail.
Oh and you can cheat and write down something like "their worst fears"
and have the watch count how long you want the dream to be.
But the results arent as controlled as if you were to think of one yourself.

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